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MOSQUERA Mosquera Islote

Permitted Uses:   Interpretive Group Tour with a Naturalist Guide    Photography and filming    Guided walks    Associated Activities authorized by the GNPS in the itineraries of Authorized Vessels

The Mosquera Islet is located between the islands of Baltra and North Seymour. It is a reef of rocks and coral (the result of an uprising) and a great white sand beach. Its narrowest width reaches about 160 meters and has an estimated length of 600 meters. 

In most of the perimeter there is base of lava rocks, as evidence of the lava uprising, except in the southwest side where the landing occurs. 

This island has one of the largest populations of sea lions. You can also observe several species of shorebirds. There have been occasional reports at this site of Orcas (Orcinus orca) feeding on sea lions. 

Click on the illustration to enlarge.

Special Indications

  • This island has one of the largest populations of sea lions. Ensure that visitors keep their distance from the sea lions, especially the males, which are sometimes very aggressive. Do not permit touching the sea lions or their cubs. A surprised sea lion can seriously bite the person who touches it. Do not bathe while a male is nearby. 

  • The whole area is open, however, tell visitors to be very careful not to step on the little vegetation that exists, nor to disturb the sea lions while they sleep. We have found some lava gull nests; they nest in open areas without protection. If they are disturbed, they get very nervous and may abandon their nests. 

  • Access is through a wet landing on the beach. This may be complicated by low tide or when there is heavy swell, during the months of December to March mainly.