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Permitted Uses:  Guided group interpretive naturalist guide visitors
Photography and filming Guided walks Activities authorized by DPNG accessory in the itineraries of vessels authorized

Isla Lobos is about an hour by boat from Port Baquerizo Moreno. The length of the trail is 850 meters and the estimated travel time is one hour.

There is a small population of blue-footed boobies and common frigate birds nesting on this site. You can observe the two species of sea lions present in the archipelago.

During the tour you go through a dry vegetation zone, substrate of volcanic rocks and a sandy area.
During the panga tour brown pelicans and several species of shorebirds can be observed; although, snorkeling, it's common to see juvenile sea lions, manta rays and sea turtles.

Click on the illustration to enlarge.

Special Indications

  • There is an indicated path, we must be very strict that visitors stay within these limits. 

  • Most of the trail passes through rocky terrain very difficult to walk. 

  • Never get too close to the frigates and blue-footed boobies, especially when they are nesting.