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Tagus Cove Isabela Island 

Permitted Uses:   Interpretive Group Tour with a Naturalist Guide
 Photography and filming Guided walks     Associated Activities authorized by the GNPS in the itineraries of Authorized Vessels

The visitors site of Tagus Cove is located west of Darwin Volcano on Isabela Island. The route of the trail is about 1800 meters. 

This was a favorite spot for pirates and whalers, a tradition is still observed that has continued since that time: the inscription of the names of boats. At the start of the walk, going up and passing the staircase, is a small cave where we find inscriptions dating to the 1800s.

Its name originated from a British warship that went through the islands in 1814 looking for Galapagos Tortoise for food.

The road, mostly gravel, leads into the interior, along Darwin Lake. During the walk, you can see various land birds; we can identify the characteristic vegetation of the arid zone. Finally, we observe the lava fields of Darwin Volcano.

Click on the illustration to enlarge.

Darwin Lake contains saltwater and its depth is approximately 9m. It has no fish or other special life. The lake lies within a tuff cone.

Due to explosive eruptions must have occurred at the site, the substrate has a large amount of volcanic rocks of different sizes, among the most common are little balls of nearly spherical shape known as the "lapilli" or petrified rain. These are formed for two reasons:

1. When there is an explosion of volcanic ash, boiling lava coming into contact with water, heats and evaporates, then the ash that is in the air is wet and solidifies in the form of small balls that fall as rain.  

2. Also forms when it rains shortly after an eruption.

Special Indications

  • Take care when landing due to strong waves.

  • Apart from the ground path, a panga ride is very interesting and entertaining. The panga should keep its distance from birds, especially penguins who are easily frightened.

  • No littering is allowed near the shore. This applies even more here, since due to wind garbage accumulate in the coves. 

  • During the rainy season this site offers a great attraction for those interested in the vegetation.